It is clear to me we will never be released from the grips of social media.
It started so simply, did it not? A way to quickly access people we know, a digital Rolodex of family, friends, colleagues, and never-knowns! How revolutionary!
But it’s gone past the limits of acceptability.
“Will they take the bait?,” I imagine is a common question at Google or Meta.
In business, they call it making something “sticky.” The theory is the longer you can keep someone in the store, the more you can sell them.
But there is a difference between making something stick with duct tape or with industrial-strength cement.
The men and women behind these “tools” have little regard for the time spent on their “products.” Their goal is to addict, restrict, and solicit.
But what are they taking?
If it was just money that would be something. But they want everything – your income level, home address, phone numbers, ethics, emails, and more.
Consider this at your leisure: The most intimate things about ourselves, pieces we used to only give to those we love and trust – information that falls under our deepest fears, our richest joys, and our greatest talents – we give over willingly to faceless corporations for a chance to like or be liked.
That is the trade equivalent of a pat on the back in exchange for the pin to your debit card.
How did we land here? And why have we accepted the unacceptable?
We will break that down in our next post…
By: Mario Ochoa
Sammis|Ochoa is a Texas-based public relations and digital marketing firm. We believe transparency and accountability are hallmarks of smart business. Our firm serves San Antonio, Houston, and Austin. To connect with us visit or call 210.390.4284.