In today’s society, becoming an entrepreneur is highly encouraged. Think about how many startups exist nowadays. I talk to the owners of small businesses today and hear so many stories of how they began their business. Many started out of their house by simply selling an item or service they only did as a hobby. Now they run an online business selling products in over 13 states or their weeks away from a grand-opening in a physical location. There’s an entrepreneurial spirit everywhere and it’s great! But like all good things, it’s not always easy.
In addition to my position as Account Coordinator with Sammis & Ochoa, my husband and I have a side hustle. We’re photographers and we started our own small business providing our skills as a service for a cost. Around the time I joined the team at S&O, we started our photography business. It was and still is work 24/7. At times I felt overwhelmed managing multiple social media accounts, client meetings and working to develop a small business. I’d see other industry professionals who managed two businesses, a family and did so successfully and would think “What am I doing so wrong?”
After observing these professionals, I realized it wasn’t because I couldn’t multitask or because I didn’t have the skill, I was using my God-given talents incorrectly and I started this season unprepared. So here’s my list of the top three insights I’ve learned and use to overcome roadblocks in the workplace and in my own small business. These tips I’ve learned and planted into my system from top business leaders and entrepreneurs who have hit the same feeling of self-doubt but have developed a response that propels them forward:
- You can have a goal but you need a plan: Everyone needs a plan for what they are doing. When runner trains for a half-marathon, they have the goal in mind of reaching that “Finish” line after 13.1 miles. That goal motivates them to reach the end and cross that line but one thing we all seem to forget is the plan they prepared to get them there. A plan that made them get out of bed every morning at 5 a.m. and run mile after mile until they were prepared for the race. The goal motivated the runner but the plan brought them to the finish line. We all love goals that push us forward but the truth is, we’ll never reach that goal without a plan. Develop a plan for what you hope this position will achieve or what success this small business will have and get started!
- Avoid the imposter syndrome: This belief says you don’t belong here or everyone around you is looking at you and knows how scared you are to do this assignment or run this business. Yes, you’re going to be scared and starting a business or standing up to voice a new trend in your office isn’t easy. Do it scared but still do it. You’re never going to be ready for big decisions in your life but even if you feel you are, you’re going to progress or outgrow your season and have a new batch of decisions to make.
- Don’t prioritize your schedule, schedule your priorities: I recently heard a podcast from Donald Miller, best-selling author and StoryBrand Marketing CEO, who said, “In leadership, the more successful you become, the less accessible you become”. Busy will soon become an understatement for you but that’s just hard work and life in general. If you want to achieve success, you must have priorities and time to accomplish those priorities. Set time aside to truly understand your clients and their business, watch that webinar on the new marketing tool or block off an hour to regroup with your team. Whatever you need to do that helps you excel as an entrepreneur, make time for it and do what you said you will do.
Tip: Looking for a new podcast? Try these out:
- Building a StoryBrand with Donald Miller
- Business Boutique by Christy Wright